3rd Annual Tree of Remembrance 2023

Kern and North Cemetery ANYONE and EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
If you have lost a loved one …..well this night is to come together and remember our loved ones and spend time with others that are grieving these Holidays. Recent loss or years past, if they are with Tulare Cemetery or not, this is a night for all. Please join us to add an ornament to one of our many trees or we will have ornaments there that you may decorate with your loved ones name.
Free hot chocolate and cookies available to enjoy.
Accepting donation November 13- December 12, 2023 to save a spot for your tree 559-686-5544 or email us your info -which cemetery, your loved ones name, tree is in memory for and who from and a contact number - office@tularecemetery.net - only requirement is that you allow others who have lost a loved one hang an ornament on your donated tree. This night is about a community who grieves together and remembers a loved one together.
Call us if you have any questions. 🎄